Published 01/11/2025

When it comes to incident reporting, having an accurate and up-to-date registry can make the process much more efficient. An incident reporting registry is a useful tool for keeping track of any incidents that occur in businesses or organizations. Knowing what and how to include in your incident report is key when it comes to creating an effective registry.

The first thing you need to consider when creating an incident report registry is the type of information that needs to be included. Depending on what type of organization you run, this could range from employee contact details, types of incidents reported, date and location of occurrence etc. It's also important to decide who within the organization should have access to this information and whether certain policies need updating due to new legislation or changes in practices etc .

Other features such as categorizing different types of incidents based on impact level (i.e critical versus noncritical) can help maintain order within your database structure too so that each flurry representing various criteria doesn't get lost among similar ones during review time; findings being documented related specifically with each individual case allowing for more significant conclusions later down the line may prove helpful as well!

These are just some examples but depending on your internal processes there may be even more elements you want to add into consideration; conventions like recording agreements made between parties involved or lists detailing penalty regulations amongst others stand strong contenders regarding common topics often found appearing inside such registries making sure they all reach their corresponding sections orderly imperative for constructing those rock solid operating frameworks without overlooking anything meanwhile fulfilling every undertaking established throughout totality at once!

Online incident reporting registry tool for creating an incident report registry of open and closed incidents.

It's important for all workplaces to maintain a registry of incidents that have happened. It's a fact that incidents happen, but how you manage them is what can lead to the prevention of future incidents and ensuring the proper care and management is undertaken for those involved in an incident that happened in your workplace or sites. Typically, incidents in the workplace might involve a member of the public, contractors, visitors and of course your employees.

The Incident Reporting Registry is not just a historical list of what was captured and when, it's best practice to have a real-time live registry of incidents, a live log of what's happened, why and tools to follow up, action and investigate to try and establish measures to ensure the incident won't happen again. Commonly the types of incidents that you would have on a registry include injuries, property damage, security incidents and environmental. But you might also maintain a registry of safety observations, near misses or other related safety registries as well. It will commonly include a corrective action form and a hazard reporting form as follow on components to an incident report.

Setup your forms and create your own registry

Sample Incident Registry Fields

When it comes to incident registry fields, there are several essential elements that should be included to ensure comprehensive documentation and analysis of any incidents. These fields help capture key information such as date and time of the incident, location, description, and individuals involved. Additionally, it's important to include fields for categorizing the type of incident, severity level, and any actions taken or required for resolution. By incorporating these sample incident registry fields into your system, you can effectively track and manage incidents in a structured and organized manner.

In order to establish a robust incident registry system, it's crucial to carefully consider which specific fields will best serve the needs of your organization. While standard fields like date, time, and location are fundamental, customizing additional fields based on the unique requirements of your business can provide valuable insights. Consider including fields for documenting root causes, impact assessment, and follow-up actions to facilitate thorough analysis and continuous improvement. By tailoring sample incident registry fields to align with your company's operational context, you can enhance the effectiveness of your incident management processes.

The incorporation of sample incident registry fields plays a pivotal role in promoting transparency and accountability within an organization. By capturing detailed information through designated fields such as witness statements, evidence collected, and initial assessments, businesses can establish a comprehensive record of incidents. Furthermore, including specific fields for escalation procedures and communication logs ensures that all stakeholders are informed and involved in the resolution process. With well-defined sample incident registry fields in place, businesses can uphold high standards of compliance while fostering a culture of safety and risk management.

Example fields you would have on an incident registry include: name of person affected, company they are from, the site the incident occured, the date of incident, the date it was logged, by whom, short details of what happened and links to follow up processes such as the related hazard report, the full incident report itself, the corrective action and any escalation and notification details.

- Incident Identification Number: to track incidents by ID

- Date and Time of the Incidentd.

- Incident Location: Where the incident happened

- Incident Type: The nature of the incident (fire, theft, accident, etc)

- Description of the Incident: Key details of what occurred

- Reported By: The person who noticed and reported the incident

- Persons Involved: Names and roles (e.g. employee, customer) of those involved in the incident

- Witnesses: Names and contact information of any witnesses

- Response Actions: Steps taken to manage the incident (who responded, what actions were taken etc)

- Incident Severity: Assessment of the severity of the incident which could range from minor to severe or critical

- Outcome/Resolution: The result or conclusion of the incident including any mitigation efforts or punishments assigned

- Follow-up Actions: Any additional steps required or recommended to prevent the incident from reoccurring (safety training, equipment upgrade)

- Supporting Documents/Attachments: Any relevant photographs, documents or other evidence available to support the incident

Incident Registry Goals

Who does the incident report relate to? Name, phone email, company
Where has the incident occured? site, exact location, region

When did the incident occur? Date, Time
How has the incident occured? causes, incident details

What immediate actions were taken? by whom, how, when, why
Is this a notifable incident? who has been notified? escalation?

Get Started Free
Create your first Incident Report form or choose from our form templates and start recording incidents in the field