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Up to 8 injury reports a month, invite 10 team members. Scale up your usage from there

Massive library of forms and check lists you can edit and use

Create custom workflows, notification rules and escalations

Setup for all different types of incidents: Injuries, Security, Property Damage, Claims, Near Miss, Corrective Actions, Hazards and more

Setup registries, reporting and dashboards

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Over 100,000+ Incidents reported by our clients
From every industry, ranging from mining, hotels, councils, car manufacturers, foods, energy, schools, property, transport, security, charities, government, medical and many other industries globally

For every type of form and registry

Injuries, illness, corrective actions, hazard reports, security incidents, property damage, inspections, audits, complaint forms, vehicle damage incidents, environmental incidents, close calls, near misses, safety observations, check lists and more